Speak out for a Safer & More Transit-Friendly Stevens Creek Blvd at the Stevens Creek Steering Committee

Start: 2024-09-06 10:00:00 UTC Pacific Daylight Time (US & Canada) (GMT-07:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Stevens Creek Boulevard, a vital corridor in Santa Clara County is getting a redesign, however, the Drafted Plan that the Stevens Creek Steering Committee is voting on THIS FRIDAY DOES NOT HAVE the vital safety improvement for people crossing the street, pedestrian refuge islands, nor does it have the much-needed transit improvement of converting a lane to be for buses-only which would significantly improve bus speed, time, and reliability.

It is extremely concerning that these common, affordable, and proven measures are missing from the recommended redesign plan. Without them we will see more of the status quo: dangerous roads that are built for cars, not people.

Sign up to get details on how to give public comment at the meeting on Friday either in person or via Zoom as well as talking points so you can help make Stevens Creek Boulevard safer and easier to get around for all.

Fortunately, the plan recommends transit signal priority, curb bulbs, and protected bike lanes-- which would be an improvement, but it falls dangerously short when it comes to street safety for crossing the road and for significantly improving bus service. Please speak out in support of these measures in the implementation plan!

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