
Colorado students and families fighting against the $20 million cut in higher education funding in Colorado.  

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Governor Hickenlooper’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2016/17 includes a $20 Million cut from higher education, paid for through higher tuition increases on the backs of Colorado students and parents.

Gov. HIckenlopoper’s budget request letter to Sen. Lambert of the Joint Budget Committee states that:

“The reduction of $20 Million General Fund in Colorado public higher education system may result in higher tuition increases at many institutions in FY 2016-17. We estimate that the higher education system will experience operational cost increases of approximately $56 Million (2.0 percent). In this context, a reduction of $20 Million for higher education further compounds this fiscal pressure and translates into a total of $76 Million that must be generated from students through tuition.

Colorado is already ranked 48th in the nation in higher education spending in FY14-15 according to College Board statistics.

The budget for FY16-17 represents an unhealthy trend in Colorado of balancing the budget on the backs of students and our families, thereby indebting our future workforce and endangering the competitiveness of our economy for years to come.



The challenges to Higher ed. in the state of Colorado are compounded by the significant cuts to higher ed. during the last two decades. Compared to 1992, even when adjusted for inflation, annual state funding for higher education has been cut by $559 Million,about $3,000 per student.

Will you and your family be able to afford the higher tuition increase next semester?


1.  Join our group to get involved.

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2.  Take one of our actions below:

Send a letter to your legislator

Volunteer at petitioning events on campus

3.  Sign our online petition here.
4. Keep up to date by liking our FB Page.

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