2/12/18 - Missouri Mondays - HB 1383 threatens the health and safety of pregnant teens. Tell your representative to vote NO!


HB 1383 threatens the health and safety of pregnant teens. Tell your representative to vote NO!

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HB 1383 requires the consenting parent or guardian of a minor seeking an abortion to notify any other custodial parent or guardian in writing before the physician secures the informed
written consent of the minor and consenting parent or guardian.

Indivisible MO opposes HB 1383 because:  

  • Requires two-parent notification in writing prior to abortion for patients under the age of 18.  Not all teenagers have relationships with both parents, no law should mandate they communicate with them, especially for those who face dangerous abuse or neglect at the hands of a parent

  • Major medical groups oppose such a requirement.   The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Public Health Association all oppose this consent requirement because research shows that bills like this do not foster parental involvement or healthy communication.  

  • This bill could cause medical care to be delayed. Not all teens have two parents or guardians who make them feel safe talking about a pregnancy. An abusive parent could frighten a teen into taking unsafe measures or delaying important medical care.

Sample Call Script:

“Hi, my name is __________, I'm a constituent from ___________, and I am calling to ask Representative ________to vote NO on HB 1383 because _____________.”






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