Ask 5 City Councilors who voted to delay bike safety infrastructure to change their vote

Unfortunately, Mayor Simmons and Councilors Nolan, Pickett, Toner, and Wilson have all voted to delay separated bike lane projects that will implement critical safety improvements for people on bikes and pedestrians:


Original schedule

Proposed delay

Cambridge St (east of Inman)

2025 (already delayed from 2024)

Implemented in phases over 2025, 2026, and 2027



Implemented in phases over 2025, 2026, and 2027

Main St

2024 (already delayed from 2023)


What will be delayed?

  • Installation of separated bike lanes, which can prevent major types of crashes (e.g. people on bikes being hit by opening doors of parked cars).
  • Safety improvements to intersections.
  • Safety improvements for pedestrians.
  • On Cambridge St, speed and shelter improvements for bus riders.

We can't afford more delays, and more injuries. And as we've seen, flawed designs can lead not just to injuries but also to deaths.

Please write a letter to these councillors and ask them to change their mind and cancel their proposed delay.

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