Don't Let Trump & Congress Destroy Our Safety Rules

At the start of 2017, the House of Representatives will vote on two dangerous bills that will endanger our health & safety and threaten our financial system: the REINS Act and the Midnight Rules Act.

The REINS Act (or "DERANGED Act," as we like to call it) is a treacherous threat to our government’s ability to protect the public from harm. The DERANGED Act would require a dysfunctional, gridlocked Congress to approve new health and safety rules within 70 days of expert agencies finalizing them. If Congress does nothing (sound familiar?), the new safeguards would be frozen in their tracks. This deranged bill is a backdoor way to hand over our health, safety, environment, and financial system over to big business, under the guise of promoting "Congressional review" (read: where protections go to die).  

The second bill, the Midnight Rules Act, takes Congress's current ability to roll back new regulations, and juices it up with steroids (and 'roid rage). Currently, Congress must consider whether they want to undo a recent regulation (that an agency likely spent years writing) one at a time. This bill would hack away at any speed bumps that prevent Congress from gutting multiple regulations at once.

These two bills are a transparent attempt by Republicans in Congress to rip up our nation's safeguards, and send us back into a corporate-controlled Wild West.

Please send an email to your Representative, and tell them to REJECT both the REINS Act and the Midnight Rules Act -- and that you'll be watching their vote.

We've written a sample email for you to use -- but feel free to customize the text yourself! Click the "Start Writing" button to begin.

PLEASE NOTE: We ask for your address to determine who your Representative is. Some House offices ask for even more information -- like a phone number, the topic of the email, or in some cases, a CAPTCHA. Please be aware this is a requirement from your Representative, and NOT from us!

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