Fight for the 40!

No đź‘Ź More đź‘Ź Delays!
Tell SDOT to start construction on the Route 40 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor Project and deliver improvements to your neighborhood today!
SDOT has worked with our communities for over 3 years, incorporating feedback from all stakeholders, to design a project that will improve the Route 40 Corridor for all road users. The final design incorporates so many benefits for our communities from improved sidewalks & crosswalks, to innovative new Freight-and-Transit lanes, to all of the improvements to the Route 40 itself! Delivering this project will do so much more than just “reduce transit travel times, improve transit reliability, and increase safety and transit access along the Route 40 corridor.”
Improved Safety & Accessibility: This project is more than just a transportation project; It improves sidewalks and crosswalks along the length of the corridor and includes significant pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements which will make our neighborhoods more connected, accessible, and safe.
Reduced Travel Times: Dedicated bus lanes in North Seattle, Ballard, Fremont, and on Westlake Ave N will speed up trips by up to 10% for thousands of riders on one of the county’s busiest bus lines every day.
Increased Reliability: The Route 40 suffers from frequent delays, with over 33% of buses being late on weekends! This project will improve key traffic choke points along the route improving on-time-performance and finally allowing people to plan their days around a dependable schedule!
Everyday this project is delayed is another day waiting for a late bus and more taxpayer money spent on unnecessary studies. Click "START WRITING" to send a letter to SDOT and your elected officials to let them know that you are AGAINST further, expensive delays and FOR delivering this project as soon as possible!