Protect teachers who are injured in the line of duty!

Each year, nearly a dozen educators across the state are harmed in the line of duty - sometimes so badly that they are severely injured or even permanently disabled.

Current law entitles them to full pay for injury or disability caused by a student or if by helping a student or other person. But the House of Representatives passed a bill that could force injured and disabled teachers to lose their income

HB 165 would limit full pay to just one year in most cases. After that, educators would have to rely on workers’ compensation. That’s just about two-thirds of their salary.

Those who might never be able to return to the classroom, or to hold any other job, would have limited income.

Representatives who support the bill say that because disability pay is sometimes abused, the dozen or so teachers who are severely injured each year should all be punished.

It’s just one more mean-spirited attack on teachers who have already been cruelly assaulted.

The bill has been sent to the Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee. We can stop it there if Senators understand how wrong it is to threaten the livelihood of educators who put their well-being on the line to protect the safety of our children.

Please send a message to senators on the Labor Committee, and tell them to vote NO on HB 165.