Tell your State Rep to Support House Bill 28 and address Plastic Pollution!

A bill to address Plastics Pollution has been introduced in the North Carolina State House.
House Bill 28, Titled "AN ACT TO REDUCE AND BETTER MANAGE THE DISPOSAL OF SINGLE-USE WASTE" aims to reduce plastics waste by
- Allocating additional tax dollars to munipalities for plastics recycling programs to be used to reduce plastics
- Requiring all state owned facilities to eliminate single use plastics in food ware
- Conducting a study to assess environmental impacts for plastics pollution and identify potential policies or technological solutions to address plastics use
A study commissioned by World Wildlife Fund found that the average person consumes around 2000 tiny pieces of plastic each week, or about 5 grams, which equates to the weight of the average credit card.
We need our state representatives to take action on addressing single use plastics! Contact them today and tell them to support House Bill 28!