Close the intersection of West Portal and Ulloa to car traffic and install Transit-Only Lanes

The intersection of West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street is dangerously designed, despite the surrounding block having numerous Muni train and bus stops, schools, a library, a park, a playground, doctor’s offices, a spiritual center, a merchant corridor, and a large number of people walking and biking through the area.

The intersection should be closed to car traffic to make the area safe for all people — especially children, seniors, people with disabilities, and people who walk or use public transportation. Additionally, Transit-Only Lanes should be installed on Ulloa Street between West Portal and 15th Avenues and on West Portal Avenue between Ulloa Street and 15th Avenue.

On March 16, 2024, four people — an entire family, including a toddler and infant — were killed when a driver crashed a car near this intersection.

Most car traffic on Ulloa Street is likely cut-through traffic, and closing the intersection of West Portal and Ulloa to cars will eliminate cut-through car traffic, which will not only increase safety for all people, but also improve speed and reliability for Muni, and increase the equity of our streets. West Portal Station is also the site of a massive investment by the City (taxpayers) in public transit infrastructure.

Closing the intersection to cars will instantly make it safer for all people, including people who need to drive or use cars, and improve the speed and reliability of Muni, maximizing the City's investment in public transportation and helping more people shift trips to public transit. Installing Transit-Only Lanes on Ulloa Street and West Portal Avenue will improve the speed and reliability of Muni while significantly increasing safety for all people, including people in cars.

Please sign the petition now by filling out the form and tapping ‘start writing’.

You can make a difference and help make this intersection and the surrounding area safe by signing the petition now. Thank you.

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to Luke by email at

Letter Campaign by
Luke Bornheimer
San Francisco, California
Sponsored by
San Francisco, CA
Additional Sponsors
San Francisco, CA