YES! I support the CityLeap plan for lane conversions on every Austin-owned arterial roadway within five years.

Austin City Council

To Fix Transportation in Austin, Let’s Think Big.
Let’s CityLeap.

The CityLeap Plan: Convert one or more vehicle lanes on every City of Austin-owned arterial to either bus lanes (& bicycle-pedestrian paths) or protected bike lanes, in five years.

Austin’s arterials* aren’t working well for anyone right now. They're unpleasant; dangerous; polluting; and discourage walking, bicycling, and transit. These arterials are the most direct routes across town and hold the key to increasing transportation choice, shortening travel times, fighting climate change, and improving livability. So let's upgrade our arterials for a better Austin!

Sign the CityLeap petition and show Austin City Council that the community supports this bold proposal.

Find out more about CityLeap

* Arterials are roadways with two or more lanes in each direction, including South 1st, Oltorf, Burnet, and Anderson Lane.

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To: Austin City Council
From: [Your Name]

Please approve the CityLeap plan for lane conversions on every City of Austin-owned main road (roadways with two or more lanes in each direction) to either bus lanes or bicycle lanes within five years.

This plan would move more people per hour than today; improve transportation choice; address pollution and climate change; improve safety and equity, and could pay for itself within months. Importantly, travel times would likely improve for transit, walking, and bicycling and be very similar for driving, as shown by recent lane conversions on S Pleasant Valley Road over the Longhorn Dam Bridge and on Barton Springs Road.

Austin's main roads are our city's most direct routes and present the biggest opportunity for a huge improvement to our transportation system. They're also dangerous, car-centric, and polluted. If Austin follows the bold actions of other cities like Paris and New York, we can make enormous progress at lightning speed. Austin is ready for CityLeap.