Ensure Land Defenders David Manuel (Tohono O’odham) and Riley Conklin Don’t Spend a Single Day in Jail

Judge John Thomas Peck, Ajo Justice Court, Pima County, Arizona and Laura Conover, Pima County Attorney

While peacefully protesting and singing traditional O’odham songs along Highway 85 on Indigenous Peoples’ Day in 2020, David Manuel (Tohono O’odham), Riley Conklin, and dozens of other Indigenous activists and allies were met with rubber bullets and tear gas. Twelve people were arrested and charged for protesting that morning. All charges were dropped from this action except those against David and Riley. The two were found guilty this past November with a Class 3 Misdemeanor charge for Obstruction of Public Thoroughfare which carries a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail.

The protest was in opposition to the construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall, which has devastated miles of traditional Hia Ced O’odham Territory (also known as Organ Pipe National Monument). The decimation of this sacred space has disturbed land, water, wildlife, and O’odham culture in irreparable ways. This damage signals a continuation of trauma and displacement directed at O’odham peoples who have faced decades of colonization and thievery of their lands.

“We arrived at the checkpoint, which for a lot of O’odham is a place of trauma and a place of unhealing. We were bringing attention to the daily terrorism that the O’odham people are inflicted with in regards to being interrogated about who they are, where they are going, what they will be doing, and how the militarization of O’odham land has caused desecration and devastation to plant and animal life,” said an O’odham Anti Border Collective representative (Akimel O’odham) about the intentions to hold a peaceful demonstration of prayer and ceremony on the morning of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Although the Land Protectors present remained peaceful, they were met with extreme violence by law enforcement. Protesters were forced to dodge rubber bullets while running through thick clouds of tear gas that seeped from the canisters assaulted on them by the Arizona Department of Public Safety. David and Riley both received injuries that morning from being shot at in close range by the rubber bullets. The group was arrested and transported in Border Patrol vehicles to the Pima County Adult Detention Complex where they were released in the late night hours.

O’odham people have been protecting the land since time immemorial and repeatedly show their willingness to sacrifice anything for the preservation of the earth. On Indigenous People’s Day, O’odham and other Indigenous peoples, alongside their allies, were met with violence as they bravely took a stand against the destruction of lands their families have held sacred for generations. The disregard for their traditional homelands as well as the criminalization for protecting it must come to an end.

The undersigned, in solidarity with the O’odham people, calls for all convictions against David and Riley to be dropped. Alternatively, if the current convictions stand, then those signing are asking that David and Riley receive time served and face no further jail time.

In addition to signing the petition, please CLICK HERE to send a pre-filled letter of support to Oodhamdefense@protonmail.com. These letters are imperative to have before Riley and David are sentenced. We need to ensure they receive no jail time!

Additional ways to support:

  • Following along at facebook.com/AntiBorderCollective and on Instagram @oodhamantiborder

  • Supporting David and Riley through Cashapp $OodhamDefense (100% of funds raised will be divided between David & Riley)

To: Judge John Thomas Peck, Ajo Justice Court, Pima County, Arizona and Laura Conover, Pima County Attorney
From: [Your Name]

Water and Land Protectors David Manuel (Tohono O’odham) and Riley Conklin are facing potential jail time for convictions brought from peaceful, ceremonial protesting on Indigenous Peoples’ Day of 2020. In solidarity with the O’odham people, I am asking that all convictions against David and Riley be dropped. Alternatively, if the current convictions stand, then those signing are asking that David and Riley receive time served and face no further jail time.

The other 10 protesters that initially faced similar charges from the day of peaceful protest all had their charges dropped, we implore you to do the same for David and Riley. Having already faced violent arrests and incarceration in the Pima County Detention Complex, additional jail time would further cause unnecessary harm to them and their families.

Thank you,