Speaker Adrienne Adams Pressure Campaign

Call Speaker Adams: No more delays on police accountability! Call (929) 552-1449 and demand a hearing on The Community POWER Act.
The Community POWER Act, or Community Police Oversight With Elected Review, establishes an empowered and elected review board and Independent Prosecutor with the power to fire and prosecute police who break the law and abuse their power.
It's been 1 year and 4 months since the bill was reintroduced and we're still waiting for a hearing.
Since its reintroduction 30 people have been killed by the NYPD. We know that if the police are not held accountable, more innocent lives will be lost.
Adrienne Adams wants our bill to die in committee. We need everyone to call her and demand a hearing to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Just one call can make a big impact on this fight for justice. Thank you.