99% Power Week of Action: Confront the corporate 1% April 22-28

Take action to demand accountability from Walmart, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Sallie Mae
Corporations and the individuals that run them continue to get richer while homeowners, workers, and students fall deeper in debt. We demand accountability from the corporations who are devastating the lives of homeowners, students, workers, our communities, and our planet. It’s time to re-negotiate our debt.
The week of April 22-28, people will be taking action around the country focusing on Walmart, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Sallie Mae, kicking off another year of activity challenging the power of the 1% who increasingly control the economic and political life of our country.
To create an action for the campaign, registar for the Corporate Action Network (if you haven't already), then click the events link to the right on this page, It will take you to page that will list existing events you then click the create an event button on the right of the events page. Finally, you fill out the new event form. Don't worry if you don't have all the details since you can edit them later! Better for people to know there will be an event in your town now then wait till you have all the details figured out.
Or you can go straight to the create an event page here
You can get ideas for actions for each of the corporations and concrete information on the impact each company is having on the 99% by visiting the campaign materials page here. http://corporateactionnetwork.org/campaigns/99-power-week-of-action-confronting-the-corporate-1-including-walmart-bank-of-america-wellsfargo-and-sallie-april-22-28/campaign_materials