Support Economic Dignity for All

Economic dignity is one of the pillars of the Pennsylvania Together value system. Everyone deserves the ability to meet their basic human needs -- food, shelter, clothing, healthcare. Unfortunately, this isn't a reality for many Pennsylvanians, especially women and workers of color. Let's work together to advocate for policies that make sure our workers are treated fairly.

Here are some ways you can support economic dignity in Pennsylvania. Click on the links below to find talking points and to access a ready to send letter to your legislator. For a more detailed summary of a piece of legislation, click on the bill number.

1. Support raising the minimum wage. Support HB 1520.

2. Keep corporations out of prisons. End legal slavery in PA. Oppose SB 59.

3. Keep "Right to Work for Less" out of Pennsylvania Oppose HB 50-55.

4. Promote gender equity at work. Support HB 931 and Oppose SB 241

5. Fight for tipped workers Support SB 162 and 163.