Susan Herrera for House District 41!

Finally! Working Families in Northern New Mexico have a real choice for State Representative!

NMWFP is all about holding elected officials accountable. When elected Democrats in core Democratic districts betray our values we call them out and help vote them out. That’s why we are proud to endorse challenger Susan Herrera in the HD41 Democratic primary. You can signup to contact other voters here:

  • Susan Herrera has a long record of working with teachers and providing educational opportunities for kids in Northern New Mexico.
  • She supports making our tax system fair and not just a giveaway to well-connected insiders.
  • Susan wants to make sure our elections have integrity with automatic voter registration, getting money out of politics and ending gerrymandering of districts.
  • She also believes that relying on oil and gas is unsustainable and that we must have a smart transition away from fossil fuels.

It's time for a change in District 41...

The 25 year incumbent State Representative in District 41, Debbie Rodella has a long record of working for corporate lobbyists from greedy payday lenders to big pharmaceutical companies.

She has accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from big corporate donors. What do they get for their money?

  • She sponsored the greedy payday lending industry bill that caps interest at 175% (SF New Mexican, 2/25/17) and use her power as Chair of a committee to kill a more reasonable but still not low enough 36% cap. The industry has taken good care of her, giving $18,200 to her campaigns over her career.
  • Rodella supported Governor Susana Martinez's huge corporate tax cut--the biggest tax giveaway in New Mexico history--now being paid for by cuts to schools and healthcare. (HB641, 2013 Session).
  • Rodella sponsored a bill to give the bail bonds industry guaranteed income and make sure bond issuers could avoid any financial risk. (HB508, 2017 Session)
  • Rodella used some of her stash of corporate cash to fund the Magistrate Judge campaign of her husband, convicted felon Tommy Rodella. (SF New Mexican, 6/30/08)

Vote early May 8th-June 2nd or Vote Tuesday, June 5th in the Democratic Primary for Susan Herrera! More voting info. here:

You can signup to contact other voters here:

Sponsored by NM Working Families Party PAC. Not approved by any candidate or candidate's committee.