We hope you and/or your organization will once again join Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project in celebrating Japan Dolphins Day on September 1. This day marks the beginning of another season of the dolphin drive hunts in Taiji, Japan, as made known by the Academy Award-winning documentary The Cove.
By organizing a positive, celebratory event in your city, we unite to show Japan, as well as the rest of the world, that the massacre of dolphins in Taiji is a crime against nature and must end immediately. Together, we can make our voices heard and inform others about this tragedy.
We already have events planned in countries around the world, put together by dedicated people like you. If your city does not have an event, we hope you'll join us as a host to create one! If you are near a Japanese consulate or embassy, we encourage you to plan your event in that area. Please join us for Japan Dolphins Day 2016 and show your support!