110th Annual Labor Day Parade in Canton

Start: Monday, September 05, 201611:00 AM

Join us for a march in Downtown Canton, NC for the 110th Annual Labor Day Commemoration. This is a milestone year for USW 507, who are marking their 50th anniversary. The Town of Canton is commemorating this milestone by inviting our Steelworker brothers and sisters to serve as Grand Marshals for the parade. USW 507 Local President, Keith Jenkins, has invited all union members and their families to join them in marching at the front of the parade. To do so please meet up at the Union Hall at 9:30am on Monday, September 5th and wear your union t-shirts. Refreshments will be served at the hall before and during the parade. For more information, contact Anthony Rickman at 828-734-1942 or rickman692002@yahoo.com. http://www.cantonlaborday.com/
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