January (2025) Knoxille DSA Monthly Meeting

Start: Monday, January 13, 2025 6:00 PM

End: Monday, January 13, 2025 7:30 PM

We hope all members and friends will join us on Monday January 13 at 6pm. The meeting, as always, will be virtual as well as in person at the CWA Union Hall 1415 Elm Street. Parking is available behind the building and across the street.

Please click the "Send RSVP" button in the right column whether you plan to attend in person or via Zoom. The Zoom link is in the instructions you will see after you click the "Send RSVP" button. The link will also be included in the reminder message that arrives about 24 hours before the event.

Note that if you attend the meeting without having RSVPd in advance, you'll be asked to submit the RSVP form online to sign into the meeting so that your attendance will be properly recorded.

Meeting Highlights:

  • We'll plan for the January 20 Inauguration Day Demonstration in Knoxville.
  • Immigration Attorney Arlene Amarante with AKIN (Allies of Knoxville’s Immigrant Neighbors) will speak about immigrant defense.
  • There will be a report on the Jan 2 campaign training with Brady Watson and Tom Hansberger.
  • (Note that some minor changes to the chapter bylaws were presented at the December monthly meeting. We will vote on those changes at the the February meeting.)

Your participation is needed. We hope you can attend.

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