Adirondack-Champlain Valley Women’s March
Start: Saturday, January 21, 2017•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, January 21, 2017•12:00 PM

The Adirondack-Champlain Valley Women’s March will take place on January 21, 2017, to show solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington. Vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country and we will stand together to protect the civil rights, safety, and health of all. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us. The local march will take place at the same time as the march in DC and will be a peaceful, non-partisan event. Everyone is welcome and the event is free.
As the herald on a white horse in the 1913 Suffrage Parade in Washington, Inez Milholland symbolized the strength, power, and courage of women and led them forward into light. Three years later, she became the martyr and inspiration for suffragists after dying while campaigning for Votes for Women. On January 21, we will gather in celebration of Inez and all the advocates of human rights. Remember, women’s rights are human rights.
The event will begin at 10am with an outdoor rally at Inez’s grave in Lewis Cemetery behind the Congregational Church at the intersection of US Route 9 and Fox Run Road. The rally will reconvene indoors with songs, talks, and coffee from 10:30 to noon at the Whallonsburg Grange, Route 22.
See the Facebook event page.
MORE DETAILS================================1/20/2017
There are well over 100 signed up to attend. Time for details.....
10am at Inez Milholland Grave in Lewis----A 10 minute tribute to Inez, laying of flowers on grave, and marching down the cemetery hill (Suffrage Hill).
NOTE: The walkway up the cemetery hill may be slippery depending on the weather. Walk at your own risk. Those who wish to forgo the grave visit can simply go to the Grange.
10:45ish arrive at Whallonsburg Grange----There will be coffee/cocoa/tea, muffins/cookies etc. Musicians will lead singing intermixed with time for participants to make one-minute comments. We will continue until ???
Please car-pool if possible. The event at the cemetery will begin at 10am so allow time for parking. Some parking is in the cemetery, entry from Fox Run Road. Otherwise, park along Route 9 in Lewis.
The drive to Whallonsburg Grange takes about 15 minutes. Proceed east on Route 10 past Milholland Park. Soon, the road bears right and passes Meadowmount (the old Milholland family estate). Continue about 10 minutes and turn left at Y onto Sayre Road (Route 55). In 2-3 miles, make sharp right curve onto Walker Road. Proceed 2-3 miles until Route 22. The Grange is slightly to the left across the road. There are other routes, but this route is the shortest and most scenic!
Looking forward to an exciting and meaningful day. Questions?