Building a stronger Hackney Session two: Monday 2 March
Start: Monday, March 02, 2020• 6:00 PM
End: Monday, March 02, 2020• 8:00 PM

Following a very successful meeting in February, we are looking to bring together people
from Hackney's diverse communities to explore how we both build a stronger community and create 'bridges',
opportunities for understanding and friendship to be forged between
people from different communities. We take inspiration in doing this
from the legacy of the murdered MP Jo Cox, who famously said: 'we have
more in common than that which divides us'. At this next session we will be looking at 'what keeps us apart', and looking at how we can create opportunities for positive interactions between different communities.
We use the term
'community' very loosely, you could be from a particular estate, a
particular religious or ethnic group, or you could be bound by ties of
culture, or of a shared experience of oppression. Whatever community you come from, we want you to feel more networked, more secure, and at home here in Hackney. We also want you to feel more comfortable with your neighbours, whatever different community they may come from.
Sign up and join us at 6pm on Monday 2 March at 3 Bradbury Street, as we explore how to build a stronger community and how to build bridges between our communities.