Disadvantage of Medicare Advantage Press Conference
Start: Wednesday, October 02, 2024•12:30 PM
End: Wednesday, October 02, 2024• 1:00 PM

Medicare Advantage now makes up more than 50% of all policies, despite grave concerns that they are limiting care and overcharging taxpayers. Join Senator Saud Anwar, Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), CCAG and partners for a press conference to counteract the millions being spent on ads to convince seniors to enroll in Medicare Advantage.
We will hear from people who have lost loved ones while being denied care by Medicaid Advantage, from providers, and about the limitless greed driving this process.
Join us at the Legislative Office Building, room 1B, at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, October 2.
This event is part of a national day of action by PNHP.
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