CEO Project: Childcare Ambassador Training
Start: Saturday, November 19, 2022•11:30 AM
End: Saturday, November 19, 2022• 5:00 PM
The CEO Project Cordially Invites you to be apart of our First Ever #EmpowerHer Childcare Ambassador Cohort
As apart of this Cohort participants will take part in 3 Separate trainings aimed at :
Creating alignment around the history of Child Care and the systems at play
Understanding these systems through LibGen’s framework (Theft, Exclusion, and Exploitation)
Creating a new vision for what we want Child Care to look like in Ohio
Learning some advocacy skills along the way!
The Kickoff Training will take Place on November 19th at 11:30PM EST
92% of the childcare workforce identifies as female and approximately 40% of these women identify as people of color. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that early childhood has one of the most underpaid workforces in this country.
Let's get to the root of it and begin to envision an a Care Economy that allows everyone to thrive and #EmpowerHer to advocate for an Ohio that values Care.