CEO Project: Childcare Ambassador Training

Start: Saturday, November 19, 202211:30 AM

End: Saturday, November 19, 2022 5:00 PM

The CEO Project Cordially Invites you to be apart of our First Ever #EmpowerHer Childcare Ambassador Cohort

As apart of this Cohort participants will take part in 3 Separate trainings aimed at :

  • Creating alignment around the history of Child Care and the systems at play

  • Understanding these systems through LibGen’s framework (Theft, Exclusion, and Exploitation)

  • Creating a new vision for what we want Child Care to look like in Ohio

  • Learning some advocacy skills along the way!

The Kickoff Training will take Place on November 19th at 11:30PM EST

92% of the childcare workforce identifies as female and approximately 40% of these women identify as people of color. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that early childhood has one of the most underpaid workforces in this country.

Let's get to the root of it and begin to envision an a Care Economy that allows everyone to thrive and #EmpowerHer to advocate for an Ohio that values Care.