#CEOVOTES Early Childcare Early Vote Rally Columbus
Start: Saturday, October 29, 2022•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, October 29, 2022• 2:00 PM
Columbus parents and providers deserve more from the child care system! Join us Saturday, Oct. 29 from 10am-2pm at the Franklin county board of elections in uniting our voices and demanding opportunities for our children and those who care for them!
We all know someone who has cared for us, and we would not be here without them. We have more than enough to make sure all of us, especially Black and brown people, are cared for in our state. It’s time for us to care for the people who care for our families by voting in the midterm elections.
In the past, everyday Ohioans joined together to win popular solutions to the things we care about – better wages, safer workplaces, and stronger communities. In November, we use our power to vote to protect these freedoms. No exceptions.