Chain-In Sacramento, CA

Start: Thursday, June 22, 2023 8:30 AM

End: Thursday, June 22, 2023 9:45 AM

Photo of Unchained's founder and executive director, Fraidy Reiss, in front of a brick wall. She's wearing a bridal gown and veil with chains around her wrist, and she's yelling into a megaphone. Text: Chain-In Sacramento. Wear a bridal gown and veil. Cha

Child marriage is an urgent problem in California. Dangerous legal loopholes allow parents to enter a child of ANY AGE into marriage with judicial approval -- without any real legal recourse for a child who does not want to marry.

Our research shows that some 23,588 minors were entered into marriage in California between 2000 and 2018 -- often with devastating, lifelong consequences for the girls. All of these marriages legalized what would have been considered a sex crime outside of marriage.  There's a reason the U.S. State Department has called marriage before 18 a "human rights abuse."

This calls for a protest.

We at Unchained At Last urge you to Chain-In with us in Sacramento on June 22. We'll gather on the West Steps of the California State Capitol wearing bridal gowns and veils, with our arms chained and mouths taped, to protest forced and child marriage and urge legislators to introduce and pass a simple, commonsense bill that would end child marriage in California.

We provide the bridal gowns, veils and chains. All you need to do is register on this page - and join us to insist California legislators end child marriage!

Speakers include:

  • Asm. Cottie Petrie-Norris, legislative champion
  • Davinder Kaur, forced marriage survivor
  • Mandy Havlik, child marriage survivor
  • Sara Tasneem, child marriage advocate and survivor
  • Fatemah, child marriage survivor
  • Chavie Weisberger, forced marriage survivor
  • Marilyn Smith, child marriage survivor
  • Pat Abatemarco, child marriage survivor
  • Dr. Tamara MC, survivor advocate
  • Ela Pandya, Zonta International
  • Michele Hanash, AHA Foundation
  • Fraidy Reiss, Unchained At Last
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Chain-In Sacramento is possible thanks to a generous grant from the Conboy Foundation.

Ending Child Marriage in the United States

We at Unchained started and now lead a growing national movement to end child marriage in the United States by making the marriage age 18, no exceptions, in all 50 states.

Marriage before 18 can too easily be forced, because minors, even a day before their 18th birthday, have limited legal rights that make resisting or escaping an unwanted marriage nearly impossible. Further, marriage before 18 is a human rights abuse that destroys American girls’ health, education and economic opportunities and greatly increases their risk of experiencing violence.

Join the movement. Chain-In with us to demand an end to this human rights abuse.

Read more here about Chain-Ins, the powerful form of peaceful protest that we invented to raise awareness of forced and child marriage in the United States.

Chain-In FAQs

Q: I don't have a bridal gown and veil. What should I do?

A: No problem. Simply indicate when you register that you want us to loan you a free gown and veil, and tell us what size you are. (We have an arsenal of some 100 bridal gowns that people have donated to us for use at Chain-Ins.)

Q: I prefer not to wear bridal clothing and/or not to chain my arms or tape my mouth. May I still join the Chain-In?

A: Absolutely. The full Chain-In experience involves wearing a bridal gown and chains, but if that makes you uncomfortable, we still want you to protest with us.

Q: I do not identify as female. Should I still join and wear a bridal gown and veil?

A: Yes, please! You are encouraged to join and to wear a gown and veil regardless of your gender identity.

Q: Should I bring my own chains and tape?

A: No, we will provide free plastic chains and comfortable tape.

Q: Is this legal?

A: Yes, we have the backing of the First Amendment, and we have permission to hold this Chain-In.

Q: How much does it cost to join the Chain-In?

A: Joining the Chain-In is free - but please consider donating to help offset the cost of the Chain-In and to help us fight forced and child marriage in the U.S. through direct services and systems change.

Q: Where is the exact Chain-In location?

A: The Chain-In will take place on the west steps of the California State Capitol at 1315 10th Street in Sacramento.

Q: What time does the Chain-In begin and end?

A: Please arrive by 8:30 a.m. to sign in and change into Chain-In attire. The Chain-In will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end by about 9:45 a.m.

Q: Will the Chain-In proceed in case of bad weather?

A: Yes, we will Chain-In regardless of weather conditions.

Q: How else can I help end child and forced marriage?

A: Whether or not you can join the Chain-In, please take these steps:

  • Donate. Every gift makes a big difference to someone who is fleeing a forced marriage.
  • Stay updated. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and share and like our posts.
  • Volunteer. We rely on the kindness of pro bono attorneys, psychotherapists and others.
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