Charleston #blocktheboat

Start: Thursday, December 20, 2012 7:00 AM

Protest and picket against the landing of garmets made for 28 cents an hour by Bangladeshi workers burned alive in the factory fire as they arrive at the Port of Charleston (in Mount Pleasant) for distribution to Walmart and other retailers, while driving offshoring of SC Textile jobs. The containership Carolina Maersk is carrying this tainted clothing to our country.

The SC Workers Rights Coalition is calling for a picket at the Wando Terminal starting at 7am Dec. 20 (call before you come as times may change). The picket will be a legal and peaceful call for these garments not to be unloaded in Charleston until WalMart agrees to donate the clothing to the needy and agrees to compensate the survivors and families for their loss. 

As the ship's arrival can happen in a 24-hour window, times may change. Participants should contact William Hamilton at 843-870-5299 to keep updated. An organizing meeting for participants will be held at 8pm, Dec. 19 at the Club Room of the Sgt. Jasper Apartments (310 Broad St. in Charleston at the North end of the building). 

We'll tweet updates on times and options for parking and getting to the location as the time for the ship's berthing approaches.  The location can be reached by public transit during daylight hours, but we'll help you get there.

Details and updates can be found on Facebook at
Event by
William Hamilton
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
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