Chicago Is a Labor Town: Car Caravan To Win For Rideshare Drivers

Start: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 8:00 AM

End: Wednesday, January 15, 202510:00 AM

Rideshare drivers united in the Chicago Gig Alliance are making our final push toward the finish line! Join our car caravan on January 15 to help build up the pressure before our big public action in February.

We'll meet in the parking lot at the corner of Roosevelt and Canal to decorate our cars with signs, then proceed to drive together in a caravan around City Hall.

For years, we’ve watched as Uber and Lyft nickel and dime the drivers who make their shareholders rich, refusing to take drivers’ demands for safety protections, fair wages, and transparency seriously. These corporations have undermined worker organizing in city after city by using intimidation tactics and threats to force local governments to accept poor conditions and unlivable pay for the workers who drive rideshare in their city.

That’s not going to work in Chicago. We’re thrilled that Chicago’s minimum wage is going up on July 1, 2025, but that raise doesn’t include rideshare drivers. We can make sure the 85,000 folks who drive rideshare in Chicago also get the raise they deserve by passing our ordinance.

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Chicago, IL