Yoder Office Visit: Oppose House Budget

Start: Thursday, July 27, 201712:00 PM

Our topic for this visit: Oppose House Budget.

Like the House health care bill, this budget takes away programs which help kids with special education to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Since this does not reflect Kansas values, Congressman Yoder should vote NO on this budget when it reaches the House floor.

The House Budget released Tuesday cuts $203B from spending on Medicare and Social Security over the next decade; thereby, giving the GOP-led Congress a path to major tax cuts for businesses and individuals. The plan will be debated in the House Budget Committee this coming Wednesday.

The key takeaways from the House Budget:

  • Increases military spending while cutting spending to programs like education and assistance to needy families
  • Bases the plan on an optimistic economic outlook of 2.6% economic growth, which economists say will be difficult to achieve
  • Cuts safety net programs, like Medicaid, assistance to needy families, and the nutrition assistance programs
  • Cuts Medicare
  • Proposes cuts on taxes that will not increase the deficit.

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