Start: 2020-05-05 18:00:00 UTC Atlantic Time (Canada) (GMT-04:00)
This is a virtual event
The Coronavirus public health crisis and its aftermath will not affect all students equally. While suburban school districts were able to send their students home with laptops as early as mid-March, Philadelphia has struggled to find a path to online learning. When our public school students do return in the fall, they’ll be back in crowded classrooms and toxic school buildings. As working Philadelphians face record-levels of unemployment, our city is on the precipice of an unprecedented drop in revenue. Our schools can’t afford to lose any more funding, and struggling working families can’t afford to make up the difference.
Many of our city’s wealthiest “nonprofits” like Penn, Drexel, and Temple don’t pay property taxes at all. This means that our schools are losing out on a TON of revenue because multi-billion dollar institutions like Penn refuse to pay taxes like everyone else! At a time when working people are struggling to pay rent and feed their families, we need our wealthiest institutions to be part of the solution, not the problem.
Join us on Tuesday, May 5th at 6PM to hear from teachers, parents, and students about the impact of Coronavirus on our public schools and demand immediate action from our city’s wealthiest institutions.