DC Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly

Start: Saturday, March 02, 202410:00 AM

DC Poor Peoples Campaign logo

On Saturday, March 2, in DC and states all across the nation the Poor People's Campaign will bring our demands to Main Street. We will be marching to lift up the issues of poor and low wealth people. We will center our demands and mobilize poor and low-income people and low wage workers to the polls.

Gather at 10:00am at the Church of the Epiphany (1317 G St.NW). Rally starts at 10:30 in the church. From there, if weather permits, we'll march to the Wilson Building. Join Us!

We refuse to accept poverty as the fourth leading cause of death in America and declare that our votes are power and are demands for living wages, voting rights and other policies to save lives, and save this democracy.

Follow our Social Media:

- Instagram: @DCPoorPeoplesCampaign

- X: @WashingtonDCPPC

- FB: @DCPoorPeoplesCampaign