DSA for Gallardo Phonebank July 6

Start: Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 1:00 AM GMT

End: Thursday, July 7, 2022 at 3:00 AM GMT

This is a virtual event

DSA has selected the Stephanie Gallardo for Congress as one of 3 priority campaigns for 2022.

As part of that selection, we in DSA committed to raise thousands of dollars for the campaign, to offset a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the incumbent has received from weapons manufacturers.

Our phonebanks so far were very successful. Let's repeat this on Wednesday July 6 and future Wednesdays, at least up to the August 2 primary.

We will gather at 6 on Zoom and start with a quick training on the script and the use of our CallHub phonebanking software -- so please try to be on time! And if you have not used CallHub before, be on the lookout for an email inviting you to set up an account at callhub.io.

We will then make calls to fellow DSA members for 60-90 minutes before re-convening for a wrap-up.

While Stephanie's campaign is primarily run via volunteer energy and dedication, we still do need money to pay our campaign manager and (hopefully) a future field organizer, print yard signs and other materials, and try to reach voters in other ways.

Calling DSA members for a DSA priority campaign is some of the easiest phonebanking you will ever do! Even if you are not comfortable calling strangers, please give it a try -- you will be pleasantly surprised.