Emergency Rally for Hazard Pay

Start: Sunday, January 02, 2022 2:00 PM

In our city the COVID pandemic is as bad as it has ever been. The people of our city who continue to work in person, putting themselves and their families at risk every day, deserve to be better compensated for their sacrifices. Last year, Portland passed a historic minimum wage law which included a hazard pay provision. Working Portlanders stood up for each other and demanded these better conditions from our employers. For months, big employers fought to overturn the law. We fought back, and in the end, the courts upheld the minimum wage and the hazard pay provision.

Now, with the law poised to go into effect, the Chamber of Commerce has pulled out all stops in an attempt to prevent frontline workers from getting what they deserve. As long as the council can meet online and work from home, those who don’t have that option deserve compensation.

Let’s tell our city council we won’t have it. Hazard pay is here to stay.

Wear a mask. Bring a sign. Bring your friends and your coworkers.

Can't make it to the rally? Take action here: https://hazardpay.carrd.co/

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PORTLAND, Montenegro