Foreclose On Wells Fargo!

Start: Monday, April 28, 201412:00 PM

If you are in the Twin Cities and would like to attend this event, please contact for more information. 

Wells Fargo has a well-documented history of abusing customers seeking mortgage modifications, racial discrimination, and peddling faulty mortgages that led to the financial crisis. Now a lawsuit has brought to light a 150 page manual used by the bank, that attorneys say provides step by step instructions for Wells Fargo's lawyers to fabricate documents in order to illegally foreclose on millions of homeowners.

Despite all this Wells Fargo will be celebrating its record as the country’s most profitable bank at its shareholders meeting on April 29th in San Antonio. Home defenders across the country are organizing actions to deliver a message that these predatory practices have to stop. Even Wells Fargo employees are stepping forward to talk about how the company's predatory practices hurt their workers and communities.

 RSVP now to attend our action and help us make the message to Wells Fargo loud and clear.