FreeForm - CRNY GI Artists Cultural Event
Start: Thursday, September 19, 2024• 7:00 PM
You Can RSVP for this event at the Eventbrite link here! (Tickets range from $10 - $50)
FREEFORM! - featuring CRNY Guaranteed Income Artists' works and information about the Guaranteed Income Movement
Live Music, Visual Arts, Sculpture, Poetry, Dance, Films, and everything in between!
Featured Artists
Mars Abrahamsen – Multi-disciplinary Artist
Eryn Barnes - Dancer
Nathalie Basoski – Visual Artist
Becton * – Executive Artistic Director of The Becton International Black Theater & Arts Consortium
Chemareéa Biggs * – Performance Artist, Printmaker, Musician
Fish Bear Studios - Graphic Arts Storyteller
Kara Fan* – Multimedia Artist
Omari Dejesus *– Performance/Hip Hop Artist
Marcos de Jesús "de la Guagua”* - Rap/Spoken Word Artist
Annastacia Henry-Ramos – Film Animation Artist
William Ruben Helms - Photographer
Chidera Ihejirika - Multi-disciplinary Artist
Azuré Keahi - Interdisciplinary Artist
Columbine Macher * - Dancer
Melinda McCarthy – Visual Artist & Musician
Kenneth McQueen * - Multi-disciplinary Artist
Peggy Robles-Alvarado *– Performance Poet
SassaCyprigo * - Multi-disciplinary Artist
Alexi Tasanaprasert – Performance Artist
sol z/creating dangerously - Multi-disciplinary Artist
* Panelist
RSVP HERE! (Tickets range from $10 - $50)
Plus, a roundtable discussion with CRNY GI artists about “Shifting the narrative towards a more equitable society” – this year’s theme of Basic Income Week of Action (September 16-22, 2024). Also, CETA Artist and Blowback Productions' Director Marc Levin will join us to discuss his films "The Federal Artist" (1979) and "It's Basic" (2023). Learn more about Guaranteed Income through zines, created in collaboration between CRNY GI Artist Fellows Azuré Keahi, sol z/creating dangerously & Fish Bear Studios. And mail to your elected officials illustrated GI postcards, created by CRNY GI Artist Fellow Mars Abrahamsen. In addition, there will be a raffle with some excellent prizes!
FREEFORM! is a cross-disciplinary live art experiment aimed to inspire creative emergence among multidisciplinary CRNY GI artists in New York. By creating a safe space for the exchange of ideas, techniques and experimentation, artists and the public can explore and grow collaborative connections, while also pushing beyond their regular practice, giving new ways to approach their craft. This pilot event will serve as a blueprint for future events dedicated to empowering artists, enriching the community, and catalyzing the Guaranteed Income Movement.
The Vision for FREEFORM!
Emergent Creativity: breakdown of both conscious and subconscious barriers, opening the gateway to unconditional creativity. The mind is no longer concerned with whether something is ‘cool.’ or commercially ‘acceptable.’
Instinctual Collaboration: creation from a pure source emerges and is shared between artists and the public. The public gains insight into the artistic process while assuming the role of artist alongside the creation itself.
Spread awareness about the Guaranteed Income movement: As this project is conceived and carried out by CRNY GI artists, the public is also invited to engage in discussions about the positive impact of Guaranteed Income .
Learn more about Guaranteed Income
Guaranteed income programs build safety nets to ensure that no individual falls below a defined income floor over time. They enable people to weather crises and plan for the future. CRNY’s Guaranteed Income for Artists program took inspiration from economic and racial justice movements of the past, government actors, reparations-focused philanthropists, and recent pilots and programs across the world.
Many Guaranteed Income pilots have demonstrated the efficacy of regular cash payments to improve individuals’ well-being and financial stability. Building on this body of evidence, our program’s goal is to help artists meet their basic needs outside of traditional or merit-based grantmaking.
RSVP HERE! (Tickets range from $10 - $50)
A message from Income Movement:
Over the last year, our work in the community has shown us that we are collectively concerned about both growing the base of people who understand and support basic income, and in creating the narrative change and culture shift necessary for widespread adoption of the idea. When advocating for basic income, we often come across narratives that are simply not true – from distrust in people living in poverty, to judgements around deservedness, to the fear that people will stop working if we were to have basic income.
So, for our 2024 Week of Action, we want to lean into education, specifically challenging the idea that we live in a Meritocracy, and that it is individuals, not our current systems, that are responsible for poverty. We want to support you in helping start conversations, change hearts and minds, and connect everyday in your community the idea of basic income.
Join us in a collective, national Week of Action as we watch films, march, have discussions, and add our names to the growing list of people who support basic income.