Unmasking Meritocracy: Beyond the Self-Made Myth

Start: Friday, September 27, 2024 7:00 PM

End: Friday, September 27, 202410:00 PM

Location:Community Spring218 Northwest 2 Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601 US

In coordination with Income Movement’s 2024 National Day of Action for Basic Income, Community Spring will be conducting a project to shed light on the myth of meritocracy.

Behind every success story there is a network of social support and systems of privilege. This project challenges the popular notion of individual success by revealing the hidden support systems and privileges that contribute to personal achievements.
The myth of meritocracy harms everyone:
It traps privileged individuals on an endless treadmill of competition and status-seeking.
It unfairly labels disadvantaged groups as "less worthy" by ignoring the invisible barriers they face.

Come see a gallery of photos and narratives that challenge the myth of meritocracy.

Over the last year, our work in the community has shown us that we are collectively concerned about both growing the base of people who understand and support basic income, and in creating the narrative change and culture shift necessary for widespread adoption of the idea. When advocating for basic income, we often come across narratives that are simply not true – from distrust in people living in poverty, to judgements around deservedness, to the fear that people will stop working if we were to have basic income.

So, for our 2024 Week of Action, we want to lean into education, specifically challenging the idea that we live in a Meritocracy, and that it is individuals, not our current systems, that are responsible for poverty. We want to support you in helping start conversations, change hearts and minds, and connect everyday in your community the idea of basic income.

Join us in a collective, national Week of Action as we watch films, march, have discussions, and add our names to the growing list of people who support basic income.
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