Health coverage sit-in Sen Cornyn

Start: Monday, May 08, 201712:00 PM

Houston needs health care. Join us at Senator Cornyn's office for a peaceful sit-in as we ask Sen Cornyn to resign from the Senate Health Care Working Group, and have a woman appointed in his place: for example, either GOP Senator Collins or Murkowski. We are also asking this of Senator Cruz, and holding a simultaneous sit-in at his downtown office as well. Download a health care graphic here for your sign. Here's a low-res version of the graphic:

This is a peaceful sit-in. If police ask us to move, we will move. However, we will explain to media and to Congress that they must disregard "TrumpCare" and keep/fix the Affordable Care Act. Because:

  • Every Woman
  • Every Family
  • Every Community
  • Needs Health Care

Congress is home on a one-week recess. The House just passed a disastrous health care that condemns millions of Americans to pain, poverty, and early death. The House "TrumpCare" bill also torpedoes one of the strongest job creators in Houston, Texas, and throughout the nation: providers of health care and the small businesses and entrepreneurs who rely on purchasing health coverage through the ACA Marketplace.

We're gathering at both Sen Cornyn and Sen Cruz's offices because the House bill has moved to the Senate, and we need WOMEN in the SENATE to stand up for health care.

As a reminder, here is the national Pledge of Liberation. Women all across America join us Monday in delivering their pledge and their requests to Senators and Representatives in a bipartisan, nonpartisan request to EVERY elected official to recognize and support women's priorities.

I pledge to end sexual violence
I pledge to end state and police violence
I pledge to fight for full reproductive rights and justice
I pledge to fight for queer justice and the rights of all LGBTQIA+ folks
I pledge to fight for workers’ rights and economic justice
I pledge to fight for civil rights, racial justice, and Indigenous Sovereignty
I pledge to fight for disability justice
I pledge to fight for immigrant rights
I pledge to fight for environmental justice
I pledge to end war

See you tomorrow. Stand strong, sit in peace, we're in this together.

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Green Valley Lake, California
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