Healthcare is a Human Right: a 4-Part Healthcare Teach-In

Start: 2025-02-20 19:30:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2025-02-20 20:45:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP

Host Contact Info:

The New York Health Act (NYHA), a longstanding bill in front of the state legislature, which would create a universal, single-payer health system for the state of New York, remains stuck in the Health Committee despite mass support for its passage.

CDDSA’s Poli Ed group will be holding a 4-session Healthcare Teach-In during the month of February aimed at providing the basics of US healthcare policy. The goal of the teach-in is to train DSA members in advocacy and strategy around organizing for single-payer, Medicare for All health care in New York State and beyond. The teach-in will provide the basics on how and why our current privatized health care system treats health as a commodity, subject to profit-maximization, and what it will take to overthrow the private, corporatized healthcare system and install Medicare for All. Participants in the teach-in will develop a deeper understanding of American healthcare system under capitalism and how push NYHA over the finish line.

If you are interested in attending the teach-in, please RSVP for the 4 sessions using the form on the right. Attending all 4 sessions is recommended but each can stand alone.

Week 1: Thursday, 2/6, 7:30-8:45pm

Week 2: Thursday, 2/13, 7:30-8:45pm

Week 3: Thursday, 2/20, 7:30-8:45pm

Week 4: Thursday, 2/27, 7:30-8:45pm

*Please note that the Zoom link you receive upon registering is the Zoom link you will use for all 4 sessions.*

*Check out the syllabus below for what each session will cover and recommended readings!*

Teach-In: US Healthcare 101

Intended Audience: DSA members in Capital District, Troy & NYC Healthcare Working Group


  • Provide the basics about our health system and why policy change doesn’t happen (and why it occasionally does).

  • Give participants enough background information on the issues facing our health system so they have foundation to understand healthcare policy bills/debates and why Medicare for All/NYHA is the policy solution we should be advocating for.

  • Give participants a deeper understanding of the political economy of health reform that can be applied to develop improved strategies for advocating for Medicare for All.

  • Participants in the teach-in will develop a deeper understanding of American healthcare system under capitalism and what it will take to push the New York Health Act and Medicare for All over the finish line.

Week 1: Overview of US Health “System”: Drivers of Poor Outcomes and Rising Costs

  • Cost, access and quality

  • Drivers of poor health outcomes

  • Basic structure and sources of insurance coverage (the primacy of employer-sponsored coverage)

  • Uninsured versus underinsured

  • Out of pocket payments and medical debt

  • Fundamental issues driving high costs/cost inflation

Recommended Reading:

Optional Supplementary Readings:

Week 2: Models of Universal Health Coverage: Why Medicare for All?

  • Models of Universal Health Coverage: National Health Service; National Health Insurance and Regulated Multi-Payer

    • Degree of “socialization” and trade-offs

  • What is health insurance? Why insurance?

  • Contribution of insurance, hospitals and providers to rising health care costs

  • Rise of Employer-Sponsored Coverage: Tax deductibility of employer sponsored coverage and rise of managed care

  • Public Funding, Private Provision: Rise of Medicaid Managed Care & Medicare Advantage (the “contracted out” state)

  • Hill Burton Act and growth of tertiary care

  • What is driving hospital closures, provider shortages and health care ‘deserts’

    • Rise of private equity and consolidation in the hospital sector

Recommended Readings:

Optional Supplementary Readings:

Video resources:

Week 3: Political Economy of US Health Reform 1: History and Causes of Failed Attempts

  • Failed attempts at universal coverage

  • Evolving stance of the American Medical Association

  • Labor’s position/role on universal health coverage

  • Adoption of Medicare and Medicaid (1965)

  • Adoption of the ACA

  • Unfinished Business and the Re-Emergence of Medicare for All

Recommended Readings:

Optional Additional Background Reading

Week 4: Political Economy of US Health Reform 2: State-Based Health Reform and Deficiencies in Incremental Solutions

  • Why is Medicare for All necessary?

  • State-based reform versus federal reform- trade-offs

  • State attempts at single-payer

    • Vermont

    • California

    • New York

  • Public Option (Hacker)

  • Universal Basic Plan (Einev & Finkelstein)

  • Medicaid/care for More

  • Deficiencies in incremental solutions and why continue to push for NYHA

Recommended Readings:

Optional Additional Background Reading

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