Help us canvass residents in Stratford Olympic Park (26th March)
Start: Saturday, March 26, 2022•11:30 AM
We need your help on Saturday 26th March to get Greens elected, to represent you.
We'll be knocking on doors to speak to residents in our second canvassing session of the campaign. This action day marks the start of the six-week campaign in the run-up to polling day on 5th May, and now is when we start canvassing residents to gather essential information on their likely voting intention.
If you've not done this before, I promise it isn't as scary as it sounds - it's just asking residents who they think they'll vote for. Full training will be provided, and we'll canvass in groups, so no-one will be alone.
This campaign represents the best opportunity to get Greens elected in Newham, so join us in throwing everything at it.
We'll meet at Neighbourhood bar, on Celebration Avenue.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Gary Pendlebury
( Otherwise, please RSVP and we look forward to
seeing you on Saturday 26th March. After
we've finished, we'll head over to Neighbourhood in East
Village for a well-deserved beverage or two, so it's a
great opportunity to meet new people.
Unless exempt, please bring a face mask, as we will be entering residential buildings. For safety, you will not be asked to and should not enter any building alone.