International Working Women's Day: Teach-in

Start: 2021-03-18 18:00:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

End: 2021-03-18 19:30:00 UTC Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)

This is a virtual event

Thursday, March 18th, 6pm EST

For the past century, women across the world have been coming together to rally around the key issues facing working class women on March 8, International Working Women's Day. IWWD has roots deeper than organizations like the United Nations and large NGOs would like us to believe. It is a day based in struggle, resistance, unity and internationalism.

Today, the unity of working class women and the urgency for revolutionary organization remain tasks of great importance. We are more interconnected than ever before, and thus our struggles against the neoliberal capitalist system must be even more united. As we reflect on the legacy of March 8th and collectively imagine paths toward building this necessary unity, we must also think about our history and how we got here.

The Research and Analysis 1 work group of the Revolutionary Feminisms: Theory and Practice Course at The People's Forum have been working collaboratively to explore methods of building revolutionary feminist consciousness on a virtual teach-in hosted on March 18th at 6pm. There will be a brief intermission; artwork from work group Visual Arts 1 will be presented.

This teach-in seeks to address:

  1. What has IWWD meant to working class women’s movements and organizations across the globe?
  2. What have been the historical issues that women have rallied around?

We will explore how March 8 has been historically commemorated in the following regions: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Arab/Maghreb, Europe, Latin America and North America. We will also uplift some instances of militant, working class women's organizations throughout history.

To reclaim the radical roots of IWWD, we must root our present-day movements in its long history of global, protracted struggle - which is ours to inherit.

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