POSTPONED: Ithaca: NY HEAT Act Hot Chili Fall Tour

Start: Friday, October 13, 2023 5:00 PM

End: Friday, October 13, 2023 7:00 PM

Due to illness, this event is postponed. A new date and time will be posted shortly.

Join Mothers Out Front Tompkins, Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative for an Inspiring Climate Action Event!

NY HEAT Act Teach-In: Enacting Change through Policy: Learn about the groundbreaking New York Home Energy Affordability and Transformation (HEAT) Act, a crucial piece of legislation aimed at revolutionizing our approach to heating and addressing climate challenges. Engage with experts who will break down the key components of the Act, its potential impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and how it aligns with our collective goals for a sustainable future.

Postcard Signing to Governor Hochul: Make Your Voice Heard! Exercise your advocacy muscle by participating in our postcard signing campaign addressed to New York Governor Hochul. Let your voice resonate as we collectively urge for strong support and swift action in favor of sustainable heating solutions, clean energy policies, and a healthier environment for all.

Savor the Flavors of Change: Vegan and Chicken Chili Delight Indulge in a scrumptious meal that unites our commitment to the planet with culinary excellence. Enjoy a heartwarming spread featuring both vegan and chicken chili options, showcasing how sustainable eating choices can be both satisfying and environmentally conscious.

Experience the Future: Induction Cooktop Demonstration Witness the innovative magic of induction cooktops that offer energy-efficient cooking solutions while minimizing your carbon footprint. Our hands-on demonstration will showcase the efficiency, safety, and precision of induction cooking, exemplifying the potential of small changes to drive significant positive impact.

Embrace the Opportunity for Change! Connect with fellow climate enthusiasts, activists, and advocates who share your passion for a sustainable world. Amplify your voice, expand your knowledge, and take meaningful steps toward a greener future. This event is an opportunity to foster hope, solidarity, and collective action.