Kick Off Event - Love the Leaf (Bury St Edmunds)

Start: 2021-06-08 19:30:00 UTC British Summer Time (GMT+01:00)

This is a virtual event

We're facing a climate emergency.  The biggest threat to our very existence and to much of the natural world. And yet our leaders are letting us down.

Suffolk County Council declared a Climate Emergency in September 2019. However, they have since failed to issue the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan, setting out how they intend to actually measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and further related climatic impacts. This is despite initially setting the timescale for Spring this year.

Our group aim is to create a sociable community that can use its collective leverage to get big change from political and economic decisions makers locally and nationally.  

We passionately believe that appropriate action is not being taken quickly enough. We will be looking to campaign for further resources to be allocated and action to be taken to support our residents to live more sustainably. This includes Active Travel through more safe cycle routes and keeping our recycling in the UK (at present in Suffolk 52% is sent abroad). We’d love to hear what Climate Action you want to see too in the region, so come along with ideas!

Join us on Tuesday 8th June at 7.30pm to kickstart the Love the Leaf Climate Action Group. We will spend some time working out what climate action might look like in Bury St Edmunds and what we can do together. Come along and be part of the solution.

This zoom event can be attended in the comfort of your own home, but we look forward to meeting some of you in person at future events when it is safe to do so.

Event by
Holly Jackson
Bury St edmunds , United Kingdom