Lakeside Strike for Justice and Peace
Start: Friday, September 20, 2019• 7:00 AM
End: Friday, September 20, 2019• 9:00 AM
Greetings one and all, this email will lay out the basic plan for tomorrow and ask you to do a few things. To maximize our participation tomorrow I am hoping a few people can step forward to volunteer to do some of the tasks defined below - If you can, please email me back and try and arrive by 6:45 am at the site. Our strike action will consist of PEACEFUL PROTEST by chanting, holding placards and getting more involved on site with the actions organized by the Global Climate Strike team. We have positioned the strike to be at the intersection where Lake Shore Drive begins/ends on the Northside. We are hoping to send a message about ending fossil fuel dependence and demanding better transportation alternatives.
CONNECT On the Facebook page, we are composing chants and sign ideas and please feel free to contribute here
You can also invite your friends by sharing.
If you are biking to the Strike, please park your bikes west on
Hollywood or East in the park. Red Line stop closest is at Bryn Mawr.
147, 151, 136 bus stops at Strike.
VOLUNTEERS We would ideally like 1 person to live
stream, 2 people to help with sign in and registration and 4 people to
help with helping with marshaling. If you can help please wear a red arm
band so we can identify who is taking a responsible role in the event
1) Live stream the event - this requires a phone and app that is free. The BLUE JEANS app for Iphone or Android. Download to your phone. Join the What's App Climate Strike Livestream group. Event ID is 121 42016952. Change the name "guest" to the city we are streaming from. Set Video to ON. Allow Blue Jeans to access your microphone and camera. Hold camera sideways and make sure orientation lock is off. Unmute phone mic.
2) VOTER REGISTRATION. We want everyone attending to be registered to vote unless they are under 18. Anyone with a cell phone can text 38383. and Text climatestrike to 555-888
3) Marshalls. The organizer of the march are asking that we stay on the sidewalks and not block Lake Shore Drive or get in the streets. We are asking four people to volunteer to help folks spread out on the 4 corners to create a large and visible presence. We want to stay safe and not put anyone in harms way in the line of traffic.
4) EVERYONE - please use the next 24 hours to amp your participation - Bring 4 friends! Post on Social Media, Text! email, phone calls ! Let's double our numbers by the AM