#RedForEd Lame Duck Vigil
Start: Wednesday, December 12, 2018• 5:30 PM
On Wednesday, Dec. 12, educators across the state will wear red to show our solidarity as the lame duck Legislature considers bills that will harm students and school employees alike.
Then, at 5:30 p.m., educators will gather outside the Capitol in Lansing for a vigil to encourage lawmakers to value students, respect educators and fund our schools. After the vigil, we’ll go into the Capitol to talk with lawmakers and watch the lame duck session from the galleries.
IF YOU CAN MAKE IT IN BEFORE, we'll be meeting from 4-5 p.m. at MEA HQ in the Board Room (1350 Kendale Blvd., East Lansing, MI 48823) for a briefing about what’s going on with lame duck and best practices for lobbying downtown. Afterwards, we’ll carpool to the Capitol for the vigil.
RSVP using the tool on the right. Wear RED and bring a sign that shares why you’re taking time after work to make your voice heard!
More info:
Lame duck session has historically been a fast track for bills that hurt students, educators and schools. It’s important that educators have the opportunity to join together and let lawmakers know what legislation is good or bad for students.
As of 12/7, bills being debated include: A-F grading of schools, “Innovative Districts”/Vouchers, Biannual Union Recertification, Bans on Union Release Time, Changes to Teacher Prep, Taking Money from the School Aid Fund for Roads.
Our message is simple: Vote NO on any legislation that has the potential to impact schools during lame duck.