MA Health Professionals Protest

Start: Saturday, February 25, 201712:00 PM

~~We encourage all healthcare workers, allies, and patients to attend!~~ Sign the petition to Secretary Tom Price here:" We are protesting to protect our patients in Massachusetts and demand that any changes to the ACA: 1) Preserve or increase patients covered under insurance 2) Preserve or decrease out of pocket expenses 3) Preserve or increase benefits to patients Massachusetts has paved the way for affordable accessible health coverage in the United States since the 2006 MA healthcare reform. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act [ACA], health care coverage expanded further and federal reimbursement increased to upwards of 65% for MassHealth. As a result, Massachusetts has thelowest uninsured rate in the country, 3 times lower than the national average. The proposed switch to a fixed block grant of money for Medicaid will cause serious harm. The proposed MA budget for this year is ~40.5 billion dollars, of which 40% will be spent on health care. If MassHealth's reimbursement is converted to a block grant, it will receive a fixed amount of money, regardless of the percentage of insured people and the services offered. These block grants do not factor in changes in health care technology, cost, and deliveries. Thus, the State of Massachusetts would not receive the same reimbursement rates since the ACA was put into effect, creating a situation where healthcare costs would quickly outpace MassHealths ability to pay. Massachusetts would continue to have proportionally lower amounts of reimbursement over time. Given that 40% of the state budget is allocated to health, changes in federal reimbursement would be devastating. To maintain the same coverage rates and services, the state would be forced to reallocate funds from other crucial areas, such as education and infrastructure. Alternatively, it would be forced to limit MassHealth enrollment, limit services for each individual or allot a cap to an individual's coverage. This would be a serious step back for our state, and, our nation as a whole. It would also cause irreparable harm to our patients, and, would disproportionately affect our most vulnerable populations who have multiple illnesses and social determinants that affect their health. Further, although Massachusetts applied for a 1115 Waiver, the waiver was approved under the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation [CMMI]. A complete repeal of the ACA, would dissolve the CMMI, and, likely, the 1115 Waiver. In addition, repealing the ACA would reduce reimbursement rates for the Children's Health Insurance Program [CHIP], reducing funding for coverage for children. Join us in this action on Saturday at 12pm at the Massachusetts State House!