ME-RAP Youth Week of Action!
Start: Wednesday, July 06, 2022• 5:00 PM
End: Monday, July 11, 2022• 4:00 PM

Please register by filling out this form and check all events that you will be attending. We will be reaching out to provide more information and the next steps! We cannot wait to organize with you!
This week is organized by the ME-RAP Youth Organizing Team. The team is led by and for youth in the recovery community and supported by adult allies. The youth who are involved are either in recovery themselves, love someone in recovery or active use or have lost a loved one to overdose.
Throughout the week of action, youth are working with Alex Morrow to create their own movie about youth in the recovery community. Youth who participate in any of the events will have the option to participate in filming or not.
Thursday, July 7th, 3-7 PM PM: A day with the Youth Team in Machias! (AGES 7-18)
Join the ME-RAP Youth Organizers at their Book Club at the Down East Recovery Support Center and afterward, we will be playing a game of basketball at a recently installed hoop downtown and eating pizza! The hoop was donated and installed by youth organizers in Machias!
Friday, July 8th, 9:30 AM-2 PM: Youth Day at the State House! (AGES 7-18)
Youth organizers will meet at the Maine State House to have a tour of the Blaine House and the State House, have lunch with a lawmaker, and learn more about how a bill becomes a law!
Saturday, July 9th, 11-3 PM: Youth Fundraising with the ARRC! (AGES 7-18)
Youth will help the Augusta Recovery Reentry Center while they are fundraising near Walmart to support the center!
July 9th - 11th: Camping at the YMCA Camp in Readfield! (All Youth in the Recovery Movement and Adult Allies)
We will meet at the YMCA Camp in Readfield at 4 pm for a fun weekend of camping! Participants should plan to bring a tent or blankets and pillows - as we will be camping out! We will also be swimming, doing a ropes course, hosting a youth listening session around the campfire, and learning to make indigenous crafts! We are leaving camp VERY early to head to the Governor's Summit in Bangor! We will work with folks to ensure transportation between camp and the summit.
July 11th, 8-4 pm: Youth at the Gov. Summit in Bangor! (ALL AGES - MUST REGISTER SEPARATELY!)
All youth who attend the Summit will be provided with a $50 stipend from Maine Youth Action Network. Youth under 18 can register for the summit for free. Youth allies who are not able to afford the registration should apply for a scholarship.
Governor Janet Mills will host her 4th Annual Opioid Response Summit on Monday, July 11, 2022, at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. The annual summit is part of the state’s commitment to fighting the opioid epidemic and convenes leaders from around Maine and the Nation to share ideas, strategies, and best practices to help Maine people affected by this crisis. This full-day, in-person program will feature keynote speakers and breakout sessions, with the voices of persons in recovery featured prominently again this year.