Melbourne sends off the Nobel Peace Ride
Start: Sunday, September 02, 2018• 9:30 AM
End: Sunday, September 02, 2018•10:30 AM

On September 2, ICAN is embarking on an epic adventure to carry the Nobel Peace Prize medal and the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons from Melbourne, where ICAN began, to Parliament House in Canberra. Our journey will culminate in a peace march and rally on September 20 calling for Australia to join the nuclear weapon ban treaty, marking one year since it opened for signature.
Join us outside the Victorian Parliament House at 9:30am for a speak-out before the riders take off at 10:30am. If you have a bicycle you can join the first leg of the Ride as we cruise the Capital City and Darebin Creek bike paths heading north to our first night at Whittlesea. BYO sun protection, water and food.
If you are interested in joining the Nobel Peace Ride for longer than one day, please fill out the expression of interest form here. If you can't make it but would like to support this project, please donate here.
More information: Nobel Peace Ride.