Member Benefits Workshop
Start: Tuesday, September 26, 2017• 3:30 PM
End: Tuesday, September 26, 2017• 7:00 PM

Learn how your dues can pay for themselves!
As a JESPA member, you have access to a wide range of NEA Member Benefits that can save you money in lots of different ways. If you haven't been taking advantage of Member Benefits, you've been missing out! A number of our members even report saving enough to cover their JESPA dues.
We’re excited to have Susan Rutherford-Estes, a specialist from NEA Member Benefits, present a workshop to show our members how they can best utilize their benefits. We’ll even have computers on hand so you can log in and get a first-hand demonstration on how you can save money and find out about promotions and discounts going forward.
There are two time slots:
3:30 – 5:00
5:30 – 7:00
Seats are limited. We can only fit 25 members per time slot, so if you’re interested, SIGN UP TODAY!
We are working on putting together similar workshops in other parts of the district, so stay tuned for more opportunities to learn about member benefits.