Neighborhood Canvass
Start: Saturday, October 20, 2018•10:00 AM
End: Saturday, October 20, 2018•12:45 PM
Join Indivisible Austin for a Saturday morning neighborhood canvass walk. We're visiting with neighbors in east Austin in TX-35 (Rep. Lloyd Dogget's district) to make sure they know about the midterms.
Please come on time so we can start with a short training, then pair off to engage voters face-to-face, and come back together at the end to talk about how it went.
It's fun, and these conversations may be the most meaningful interaction these voters will have about the election. We'll provide leave-behind materials in English and Spanish
You should bring:
-your phone (we're using the mobile Mini VAN app for blockwalking)
-hat, water bottle, sunscreen
-children are welcome
PS: Please download the Mini VAN app ahead of time.
Google Play