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Thank you for being part of a national movement to build a lasting legacy for the Kindertransport. Along with supporters in your area, you'll be lobbying your local council to secure pledges to make space for at-risk child refugees.
To get started: 1. Decide on a suitable location to host your meeting. This could be your house or at a quiet local coffee shop. Wherever would be suitable to discuss a plan with a group of like-minded campaigners. 2. Set up the event using the form on the next page following the simple steps. 3. Share your event on social media, with friends on email as well as WhatsApp. Think about friends and family who you think might be interested and invite them directly. If you make your event public, we'll also ask Safe Passage supporters to join your meeting. 4. Once you've set up your event we'll send you an example agenda that will help you put together a winning strategy to convince your council to pledge their support.
This summer let's get our councils to pledge their support for child refugees!
Upload an image or banner below. Your image should be 1500px wide by any height (600px is suggested). It will be scaled to a final size of 750px wide.