Picnic Protest to Re-Imagine Seafair and Say Goodbye to the Blue Angels

Start: Saturday, August 03, 202411:00 AM

Location:Genesee Park4501 S Genesee St, Seattle, WA 98118 US

Bring your family, friends, some food and a picnic blanket, and join a growing number of people organizing to Replace the Blue Angels with Seattle celebrations that honor the people and waterways of Seattle.
WA Physicians for Social Responsibility and others will be handing out earplugs to ticket holders, who can also download a link to an app that measures sound decibels. 350 Seattle, XR Seattle, Cruise Control, and many other climate orgs will be handing out flyers to event-goers and passersby. There will be short org statements and lots of music. Please join us to make clear to the City of Seattle and the Seafair Board that we want to say goodby to the polluting and stress inducing Blue Angels.
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