Organizing Training Retreat & Social
Start: Saturday, February 15, 2025• 1:00 PM
Location:Social Justice Center•1202 Williamson St, Madison, WI 53706 US
Host Contact Info:
Join us for an Organizing Training Retreat, with a social afterwards! These trainings are open to all MADSA members regardless of whether or not you have prior organizing experience. If you have ever wanted to organize with DSA to build campaigns like the Free School Meals campaign, please join us!
Trainings will be led by our DSA field organizer Tom, along with MADSA members.
1:00-2:30pm - Training: Structured organizing conversations @ Social Justice Center
3:00-4:30pm - Training: What is a strategic campaign? @ Social Justice Center
5:00-7:00pm - Social @ Working Draft Beer Co
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